reading into ramen

— Ramen noodles. My goodness ramen noodles, it’s what everyone survived on in college- but now, late at night, its my comfort snack during the winter. I don’t know how true this really is, but somehow boiling the water tastes way better than microwaving. Maybe it feels like I put some effort into it and I’m tasting the pleasure of the “work.” Maybe those microwave gamma rays melt the taste molecules right out of those delicious curly noodles or something. Side note, please don’t ever break your Ramen noodles in half before dropping them into the water – drives me crazy. 

I want to tell you my secret to Ramen. My camping mug. Let me explain: after the water has begun to roll, after the noodles have let go of their embrace, and after they finish their dance, I begin to build. Camping mug in the sink, I first pull the unbroken noodles out and place them in the camping mug. Next I open the glitzy silver packet of flavor and pour it on the noodles. Then I add the boiled water into the perfectly sized camping mug without letting it overflow. Stir it on up a little and voilà, you have a sensational cup o’ Ramen. The key to the mug is that it limits the amount of volume you have for your Ramen, the camping mug forces you to have the perfect noodle to water to flavor packet ratio. After you have finished your slurping, you will be welcomed by the remaining brothy elixir to gulp down for a final “aaaahhhh.”  

Isn’t it always the limitation or constraint that makes things all the more magical.  The rule that says your gift must be hand made. The $8 limit on date night so all you can afford is enough gas to get your car to the top of the overlook with some hot chocolate and cookies. As soon as the power goes out, the constraint causes us to turn to a fire, board games, and flashlights so we don’t fall into the toilet. Even getting snowed in is a cause for simple fun all day. I love hearing couple’s “early years” stories; not enough money for a bed so we sleep on the floor together, the birthday present paid for on layaway $5 at time for a year, the car that seemed to resurrect itself at all the crucial moments. The simple things right ? It’s all about limitations and constraints … its a wonder we fail to see them as the gifts they are when we are living within them. We all work so hard to to rid ourselves of all those constraints. We want complete financial freedom to do all our hearts desires, we want perfect health at all times,  we seek perfect weather as to not “rain on our parade” etc. etc. I believe we should seek to improve our lives from all angles and you certainly will with hard word, but while you are in the moment of money, time, health, or location limitations, don’t miss the opportunities they create for you in the moment. When life feels a little mundane, create you own limitations. Turn your power off, go out on a $6 date, make an evening out of a tent and some fire. 

If there is a limitation, embrace it. If your life has a constraint, find the opportunity for creativity. A complete and utter wash out of a planned day is only ruined if aren’t  you’re willing to play in the puddles. 

So take it from a camping mug full of Ramen, embrace the things that you feel are constraining you and creating limitations in the moment. They have the ability to create the perfect mixture of lovingly seasoned contentment, whimsy, and joy should you choose experience them for the wonderful gift they are for you right now in this time.  

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