Slow Squirrel .

I didn’t have to be anywhere soon. I was in a school zone. There was a stop sign a little ways ahead. I was probably driving 5 MPH, and there he was. Mr. Squirrel was a little ways ahead and to the right of me. I looked at him, he looked at me, I thought we had an understanding. I always wonder what squirrels think we are and how they make their decisions on timing the gauntlet of trucks and SUVs. There was so much time for him to scamper across the road; I basically slowed to a crawl. He waited, waited and just I was approaching him he decided to run out under my truck. As I stopped I saw him flee from under by driver’s side door and he was off and up a tree in a second. I have no clue if he realized the danger he put himself in but he never had to be in danger in the first place. I had given him a clear open road with hours of time (in squirrel time) to cross safely.

I am often that squirrel. How frequently do I know what’s coming, yet I decide to wait for the perfect moment to hurl myself into a precarious situation that I saw coming a mile away. Maybe this squirrel didn’t actually see me maybe he was distracted. The same is true for me. I know I should be ever vigilant, protecting myself emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, but I am distracted and not notice what I am getting myself into.
This goes for business choices for the future right down the conversation I am having with a friend or loved one. Sometimes we walk right into it and it’s our own fault for not seeing clearly, not calculating the possible outcome. So many times things happen to us and we must react to the unknown or things that are not our fault, but more times than not they are things that can be avoided. Now the squirrel was not harmed, he made it through unscathed , but if he pulls this stunt day after day after day, he will be living one squirrelly, stress ridden, anxious life. Long life to you Mr. Squirrel and thank you for the teaching today.

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